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Alsaequal is an equalizer for the ALSA soundsystem that can be used from command line. It gives system-wide equalizer capability to your Debian system.
Tested on Debian 7.4 Wheezy 4/4/2014
This guide requires you have MPD installed and working with alsa
Download Alsaequal
Download File: alsaequal-0.6.tar.bz2
Make and Install alsaequal
- Get Dependencies
aptitude install build-essential caps libasound2-dev libasound2-plugins
- Switch to home directory and download alsaequal
wget http://www.thedigitalmachine.net/tools/alsaequal-0.6.tar.bz2
- Extract alsaequal, enter directory
tar xf alsaequal-0.6.tar.bz2 cd alsaequal
- Make soft link to alsa-lib for alsaequal make process
ln -sf /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/alsa-lib /usr/lib/alsa-lib
- Run the make processes
make clean make make install make clean
- alsaequal is now installed if you had no errors
Apply alsaequal at boot
- edit your ~/.asoundrc (make it if it doesnt exist)
nano ~/.asoundrc
- Add these lines
ctl.equal { type equal; } pcm.plugequal { type equal; # Modify the line below if you don't # want to use sound card 0. slave.pcm "plug:dmix"; } # pcm.equal { # Or if you want the equalizer to be your # default soundcard uncomment the following # line and comment the above line. pcm.!default { type plug; slave.pcm plugequal; }
Link MPD with alsaequal
- for this you just need to modify your primary alsa device in /etc/mpd.conf to be like so:
audio_output { type "alsa" name "My ALSA EQ" device "plug:plugequal" mixer_type "software" # optional mixer_device "default" # optional mixer_control "PCM" # optional mixer_index "0" # optional use_mmap "yes" }
Restart and check alsaequal
- Alsaequal should now be installed and working, try running it
alsa force-reload service mpd restart alsamixer -D equal
- If you are using root user change user in mpd.conf to root
- A bad idea so says everyone basically, but in /etc/mpd.conf I had to change user to root for this to work. It is probably because I log in a root more than I should...
External Resources
- Debian forums - The install and make of alsaequal
- Crunchbang - Solved one of the problems I had
- Setting up MPD with alsaequal - Just the MPD info
- Debian forums - Solved a problem in the make process with missing alsa-lib
- The digital Machine - Alsaequal page about Ubuntu but has a download for it