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HLSW - A Complete Guide


HLSW: Online Game Server Control [size=9](Skill Level: [color=green]Beginner[/color])[/size][/center] [center]<a href=http://www.hlsw.net/><img src='http://www.computershack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw logo.jpg'alt='HLSW logo'>
HLSW Website</a> [/center] HLSW is an online game server control program. It uses the protocols for many of the most popular online games, and a windows interface to allow you to connect to your game server from your desktop. You can see a status information section for all players, map information, time remaining, and most of the other server settings. Using HLSW and IRC you can also make an IRC bot that uses your IRC channel to broadcast server chat and events for clan matches or fun.

This program is highly configurable, and works with many online games, listed at the bottom of this page. For the screenshot below full size, just click. [center]<a href='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw screenshot.jpg'><img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw screenshotTHUMB.jpg'alt='HLSW screen shot'>
HLSW Screenshot</a>[/center]

[center][b][u]Adding Servers in HLSW[/b][/u][/center] HLSW has a built in game server list. It is on the front page of the HLSW window. To add a server to this list, enter the IP:Port in the red circled area below. This will automatically list your server under where you typed it, giving you its status and a few important facts. [center]<img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw serverlist.jpg'alt='HLSW server list'>[/center]

[center][b][u]Understanding the HLSW Status Information[/u][/b][/center] The reason HLSW is the leading online game server control software is due to its readily accessable status information for all parts of your server.


HLSW Player List


<img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw playerlist.jpg'alt='HLSW player list'>[/center] The Player List in HLSW shows the player name, frags, and time connected. When you have RCON on a server, the status also shows you Global ID (Steam ID or similar) and can allow you to keep track of players under different names.

[b][center]HLSW CVAR List[/b] <img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw cvarlist.jpg'alt='HLSW cvar list'>[/center] The CVAR list in HLSW stands for "Control Variable" which are settings put on the server by an admin that control how the game works. Such things in the CVAR list for Counter Strike Source include mp_friendlyfire 0/1, mp_flashlight 0/1 and so on. These tell if the setting is on (1) or off (0). With RCON access, you can change any of these settings from HLSW. They will be reset every map change in most cases as the commands are all re-executed based on your servers files.

[b][u][center]Customizing HLSW for Your Needs[/u][/center][/b] HLSW comes with many options that are all changeable using the options interface in HLSW. To open the options, at the top click Settings>Settings. Some options that are helpful are the ability to automatically set up away messages for your favorite IM service, and launch Cheating-Death for you upon connecting to a server.

Computer Shack recommends setting HLSW up properly, as it can be a much more powerful tool.

[center][b][u]Games that HLSW works with:[/b][/u]

Alien vs. Predator 2 Neverwinter Nights
America's Army: Operations Operation Flashpoint
Battlefield 1942 Operation Flashpoint Resistance
Battlefield 2 Painkiller
Battlefield Vietnam Project IGI2: Convert Strike
C&C Renegade Quake 1
Call of Duty Quake 2
Call of Duty: United Offensive Quake 3 Arena
Devastation Quake 4
Doom 3 Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Elite Force Rune
Elite Force 2 Savage: The Battle For Newerth
Half-Life Soldier of Fortune 2
Half-Life 2 Star Wars: Battlefront
Jedi Knight 2 Tribes 2
Jedi Knight 3 Tribes Vengeance
Medal of Honor Allied Assault Unreal Tournament 2003
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough Unreal Tournament 2004
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory



HLSW - How to Guide Page 2


Using HLSW to Control your Online Game Server [size=9](Skill Level: [color=green]Beginner[/color])[/size]


Using RCON in HLSW


The RCON section can be brought up by clicking the key in the HLSW toolbar. *You may need to click and drag the new RCON section up in order to be able to see it.*

[center]<img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw rcon.jpg'alt='HLSW RCON'>[/center]

[color=red][b]Note:[/b][/color] Do NOT try to connect multiple times with wrong information. Your server can automatically BAN you for wrong passwords too many times.

[b]RCON password error messages:[/b] [left][color=green]Ok [/color][/left] - Means That Password Was Accepted and Connection To Server Was Made. [left][color=red] Failed [/color][/left] - Means That Connection To Server Couldn't be Made. This Could Mean Server Is Down. [left][color=red] Bad Rcon [/color][/left] - Means That Password Wasn't Accepted or In Other Words Bad Password.

Enter your RCON password in the field, and click hide. This will protect your password from being displayed in clear text, and save will keep it there as long as you don't erase it. Click Test, and make sure your connection to the server works, and that your password is correct. Once entered, click "Auto Update Status" and "Retrieve Server Log (Internet)"

This will log you into your server using the information you specify. You can now watch the console tab to see all server commands being executed in real time, or watch the chat and send messages to the server from HLSW.


HLSW Kick Ban and Unban


HLSW comes with the ability to ban and kick very easily, and of course, unban. To ban or kick a player, once your RCON information is entered, and you receive server log, you can right click on players to control them. Kick, Ban, and Ban for a certain amount of time are all options. [center]<img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw kickban.jpg'alt='HLSW kick ban'>[/center]

Now, once you have banned your whole server, you may need the ability to unban people. On the tabs at the bottom, click Ban List. This will list all of the bans you have on your server by IP, Steam ID or other unique player ID. To unban, simply click the ban you want to lift and click UNBAN. [center]<img src='http://www.ComputerShack.net/images/hlsw/hlsw banlist.jpg'alt='HLSW ban list'>[/center]

If you have banned yourself, or have been banned for too many wrong passwords, some servers and some online games will allow you to enter your rcon information on a server that has a status "IP Banned" for your ping. While everything else may look non-working, some games will allow you to UNBAN YOURSELF by just following the steps above for your IP/ID.

[b][u][center]HLSW Tips and Tricks for the Pro's[/center][/u][/b] If you have mastered the basics of HLSW, here are some extra features meant for more seasoned gamers.

[b][center]Global ID Database[/center][/b] In all online games, players have a unique player ID. For Counter Strike Source it is called a Steam ID. While other games may not have Steam ID's, they have a similar concept which allows you to track users based on their ID instead of name in HLSW.

To enable this, Settings>Settings and select the "Misc" tab. There are checkboxes at the bottom which include "Automatically add player name with known WONID to WONID DB". Check this box, and it will record all player names and link them to the unique ID. You can access this list by clicking File>Global Player ID Database Editor.

[b][center]HLSW mIRC Bot[/center][/b] HLSW allows for a player to connect to IRC using an mIRC 5.9+ client as a 'gateway' for HLSW to pass server information through. Once in the channel you want, open HLSW, enter your RCON information, and change to the mIRC Bot tab in your RCON control section. Select your mIRC window, and the options you want to have displayed, then click start mIRC bot.

Be careful with bots, as channels on IRC can ban you for spamming your servers chat.